Serving Your Duty Compliance Needs
Established 30 years ago, STROTH & ASSOCIATES, LLC is one of the largest drawback filers in the nation. As a national permit holder, our firm files drawback claims with all five of the U.S. Custom and Border Protection Drawback offices in the country.
About Our Company
STROTH & ASSOCIATES is an international trade consultation firm, specializing in duty, fee, and tax recovery, as well as compliance and auditing services, with offices located in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago. Founded in 1995 by Neill F. Stroth, a dedicated licensed customs broker with specialization in the field of Drawback, STROTH files drawback claims with all five of the U.S. Custom and Border Protection (CBP) Drawback Offices across the country. STROTH offers assistance directly to importers, exporters and manufacturers, as well as to brokers and their clients for any and all commodities.
With almost 200 years of combined experience, STROTH has mastered the art and stringent compliance standards of duty drawback claims with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. STROTH works with its clients continuously to advise of new opportunities to take maximum advantage of duty saving opportunities and provide the greatest return.
Let STROTH help your company boost your export profits!
Services We Offer
At our firm, we view our role in administering drawback programs like that of a program manager. Throughout the process of establishing, developing, and maintaining our client’s program, we continually review new opportunities that may arise. We strive to maximize the advantages of drawback opportunities to provide the greatest return that the law will allow.